Google has commemorated the much-loved, though sometimes controversial, American children's author and book illustrator, Maurice Sendak, best know for Where The Wild Things Are.

Sendak, who would have celebrated his 85th birthday today, was a superb artist who created some of the most original children's books every published. Some had his own text and pictures, such as In The Night Kitchen, Outside Over There and Higglety Pigglety Pop! while others, including Mr Rabbit and The Lovely Present andA Hole is to Dig, matched his illustrations to others' words.

All images (c) Maurice Sendak
Where the Wild Things Are, with its anarchic hero in the form of wolf suit-wearing Max, caused controversy on its publication in 1963, when some teachers and librarians thought it could be a bad influence on children, or otherwise be too frightening or disturbing for them. However, it went on to unprecedented success, selling over 19 million copies worldwide, and was later both turned into an opera and adapted for the cinema.