Thursday 2 May 2013

Scene on Screen - my favourite films

I miss the days when Saturday afternoon meant being in front of the telly with my mum watching a good musical on BBC2.

And my top three?

Singin' in the Rain
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Calamity Jane
Was it just me or did others wonder whether the characters actually danced down the street singing and that's perfectly acceptable in 'musical land'?  Or was it supposed to be like opera in that the words were being sung?

Oh, Just me then!

PS  Can't miss out the Sound of Music, especially for my niece who forces me to sing it every time we get in the car.  So sweet to hear an eight-year-old trying to get her tongue round 'A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp! A clown!

What are your favourites?

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